Monday, April 26, 2010

Paideia Reflection Pool – Student-Led Discussions

Overall, I have to say I really enjoyed all of the student-led discussions this time around. We had some particularly intriguing talks this time around. I enjoyed talking about vegetarianism, sexuality, science, education, Allen Ginsberg, the whole skidoo – I think we came through with some broad, important topics and accomplished the point of Paideia: to make them relevant to ourselves, each other, the program, the greater world, and the web that is liberal arts. So, for this I’d like to give everyone a big bravo!

I’d also like to extend extra thanks on behalf of my discussion and reading about Ginsberg because this very much helped with my research and thesis writing. And this thanks also branches into my deeper appreciation for this method of Paideia-ing because not only did it enable me to better acquaint myself with what’s important to all of you, my Paideia-mates, but it also helped me become a better speaker.

But on this point of what’s important to all of you, I have to say, this was my favorite aspect of our student-led discussions. If Paideia is supposed to be a safe-zone where I can get comfortable enough with myself to make goofy mistakes, show up half asleep, or be there for Brady’s coming out, I think this sort of sharing was the perfect way to cultivate this feeling of academic safety, creativity, and camaraderie. I honestly do feel as though I know each of you much better this time around than last year more because of this sort of arm-twisted sharing time than for any amount of pure extracurricular fun-time. This is my favorite part of school and a large part of why I want to continue on into graduate school. I love learning from people who are A) ferociously intelligent (such as you all) and B) passionate about what they’re learning. And these discussions enabled us to bring to the table those academic branches most important to us, why we go to class every day. It’s something special that I feel honored (honor program or not – huff and puff) to be privy to.

This is not to say, of course, that our discussions couldn’t be improved at all. I think the articles we’ve been coming up with have all been very cool, but I think the presentations should be a bit more involved than a “this is my reading; what did you think?” scenario. I think Steven did a particularly good job with his presentation, coming with notes prepared and a long introductory spiel to what the reading meant to him, how it could apply/be important to us as well before providing us with specific keynote questions and opening up the floor. I feel like there should be a bit more pressure on the draw with these presentations; not a mammoth’s load, I’m not in love with mountains of work either, but I think that’s the point of these presentations, right? – that they shouldn’t feel like too much work to begin with if we’re really addressing a topic that’s important and dear to us.


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